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banking activity造句

"banking activity"是什么意思  
  • It also disclosed a gap in traditional banking activities .
  • This strategy seeks to expand sales by extending the physical frontiers of banks activities .
  • Effective management oversight of e - banking activities
  • In hong kong , the pace of e - banking activities has accelerated in recent months
  • The fund management business comprises assets management , advisory business and other private banking activities
  • The fund management business comprises assets management , advisory business and other private banking activities
  • Bea acquires grand national bank in the united states , allowing the bea group to expand its corporate banking activities on the west coast
  • It provides a very good foundation for co - operation between the two supervisory authorities as cross - border banking activities continue to grow in the years to come
  • Ing s wholesale banking activities in china are managed from shanghai , where ing has a fully operational branch , with a representative office in beijing
  • This fact makes its business affairs can not be separated from its financial accounting activities . the financial accounting is the key link of bank activities
  • It's difficult to see banking activity in a sentence. 用banking activity造句挺难的
  • Nevertheless , some of principles set out in this guideline , particularly those relating to risk management of electronic banking activities , will also be relevant to such banks
  • The hkma also appointed an external consultant to develop an on - site examination programme focusing on e - banking activities and electronic data processing controls . in may , the hkma issued a
  • In addition to the issuance of supervisory policies on e - banking , the hkma has launched in 2002 an on - site examination programme focusing on authorized institutions e - banking activities , technology risk management and business continuity planning
  • 2 . from at least july 1999 through 2001 , morgan stanley engaged in acts and practices that created conflicts of interest for its research analysts with respect to investment banking activities and considerations
  • Spi is incorporated and operates as a bank in italy . it engages primarily in retail and commercial banking in its domestic market and enjoys leading positions in asset management and investment banking activities
  • For example , one - quarter of the 1999 self - evaluation of one analyst was dedicated to the analyst s role in investment banking activities , and identified forty transactions that year that had generated a total of 143 million in fees
  • Generally speaking , the need for commercial banks to enter new businesses , given the decreasing importance of traditional financial intermediation , has led to a review of the means for regulating bank activity
  • Our general stance is to allow the use of the name when it is not indicative of banking activity and its use would be unlikely to mislead the public into thinking that the company in question is a bank
  • The firms will be required to sever the links between research and investment banking , including prohibiting analysts from receiving compensation for investment banking activities , and prohibiting analysts involvement in investment banking " pitches " and " roadshows .
  • A financial sector is the core of a business . in the western countries , the financial structure include all bonds , stocks , futures , insurance and all kind of investment and banking activities , they all interact , and develop
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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